Excellent analysis!

And just in case you were immune to the "don't kill grandma" messaging, there were also veiled threats: "We need to get our vax rate higher or we might have to go into another lockdown."

In Queensland, it was usually said with a smile, and at the end of one of the daily briefing pep talks.

In NSW, at one point they had entire suburbs locked down (low S-E suburbs in Sydney, with high numbers of migrants & blue-collar workers who were unable to work from home & did not have the resources to sit it out) - and people were only allowed out of the area to work if they had been jabbed. So not exactly veiled.

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Very true. First they prioritised those who had the knowledge to resist, Then they targeted those with the physical strength to fight back.

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Queensland and Western Australian taxpayers funded advice from Milne and Carrivick who recommended spreading the virus as quickly as possible because it was obvious that jabs don't work. This was endorsed by a "National Cabinet" that had no legal standing. Anna the Chook wanted to go first and Mark the Submariner had to prepare his Hospitals, especially for his own children.


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Explains why even today the National Cabinet minutes are suppressed. They knew something, that is certain.

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Great summary pulling the three states together, can I share with my local politicians? Although if I do get a reply it will no doubt state it's still safe and effective

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Go for it. Unfortunately most already know and choose to look the other way.

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